Implementing efficient cookstoves in Uganda

Sustainable Development Goals


The activity includes the implementation of improved cook stoves (ICS) during the year 2017 to families within 3 districts of Uganda. Most families living in the area cook currently with traditional three stone fires which consume large amounts of firewood. This means that a lot of time is spent for the firewood collection. The firewood collection is also causing deforestation and land degradation. Firewood combustion is moreover a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions responsible for climate change.

In addition to the environmental consequences, there are serious health implications related with the inefficient cooking methods through the exposure on the smoke and other emissions. This project will be attempting to address these issues by implementing energy efficient cookstoves to households. The energy efficient stoves will allow households to cook the same amount of food using less firewood.

Sustainable development

Proposed project will contribute to various dimensions of sustainable development. More specifically, the project will have following benefits:

  • Reduction in firewood consumption and emission of greenhouse gases, forest and biodiversity conservation.
  • Fuelwood expense saving and saving of health cost.
  • Sufficiently enhance indoor air quality thereby improving health of women and children and reducing incidences of smoke and fire related injuries.
  • The project will provide affordable and clean fuel compared to baseline scenario.

Project Location

  Kampala, Uganda

Project Certification

Project Certification

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Project Owner

XYZ Energy Limited
123 ABC Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

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